Air Dried Hardwood Ash Bags

We take great care to batch season our firewood over 2 years in specially designed drying sheds to give a guaranteed maximum moisture content of 25% or lower.

Maximum moisture content of Less then 25%.

Delivery Available Nationwide

Original price was: €165.00.Current price is: €150.00.


Moisture: 25% approx
Average Log Size: 20-25cms approx
Diameter: 5-15cms
Wood type: Hardwood
Size: Crate
Crate Weight: 1600kg (Please note: As wood is a natural product, density and weight may vary slightly.)
Crate Size: 1.6m3 approx. Dimensions of the bulk bag inc. pallet are; Length 4ft, Depth 4ft, Height 6ft.

  • Bulk Bags of 2-year seasoned Hardwood in 20 – 25cm log lengths. These bulk bags use a purpose-built netted bag for optimal airflow.
  • We take great care to batch season our firewood over 2 years in specially designed drying sheds to give a guaranteed maximum moisture content of 25%. Our moisture content is a true figure of the moisture internally within the grain of the wood and the external surface area combined.
  • All our seasoned firewood is sourced within Ireland and meets FSC Regulations.
  • Maximum moisture content of 25%
  • Varying log lengths available 20cm and 25 cm, useful if your wood stove has a narrower opening.
  • Meets FSC regulations
  • Careful attention given to selecting appropriate stock 2 years in advance of supply to the customer
    Sourced, produced, processed in Ireland